About Us

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We started Best Places in the World to Retire for the same reason others built the great companies we aspire to be among: we weren’t able to find what we wanted.

What we wanted was credible information about retiring overseas or just moving overseas. What we found instead was a jumble of dispersed information; some credible, some definitely not, and a good amount of sales pitches and “advertorials.” The more we looked, the more it became clear to us that it would be very difficult for anyone to separate the true information from information that was suspect.

Literally hundreds of thousands of baby boomers and others were trying to do the same research that we were, which meant that a huge quantity of them would be as frustrated and “turned off” as us, and as a result, just give up altogether on the idea of retiring or moving abroad. What a shame this was, not only for those who decided not to pursue a life abroad because they couldn’t decide who to believe, but also for that portion of vendors who were knowledgeable and trustworthy who otherwise would have had an opportunity to gain a new customer, if only there were a forum for them to display their value and earn their new customers’ trust.

What was needed was a platform where the wisdom of a community of people who had “been there, done that” could be presented, without the hype and sales pitches, all organized in an easy to access way. Best Places In The World To Retire was launched to accomplish this objective. Questions are answered and Expat Stories are posted by lots of people, some who are vendors, some who represent non-profits and some who don’t represent anybody but themselves.

Why do we let vendors answer questions? The most obvious answer is that many of them are great, honest, knowledgeable people who know the answers! We just needed a way to distinguish the good ones from the others. That’s why, before presenting themselves to you on the Best Places site, vendors first have to help you and the rest of the Community by answering questions, where they are allowed to display their name and company name, but nothing more.

How each vendor answers questions helps all of us to weed out the bad vendors. Here’s the main reasons why:

  1. Each question can be answered by more than one person, many of whom are not vendors.
  2. More than one vendor can answer the same question.
  3. The Best Places Community votes on the quality of each answer.

For each answer he or she posts, the vendor has to compete to get the most votes and not to answer a question in a way that is contradicted by someone else. The good and more honest vendors stay, while the bad ones find other places to try to sell you things where their statements go unchallenged.

In a phrase, the Best Places Community helps us to rise the best vendors to the top.

BestPlacesInTheWorldToRetire.com strives to be your source for credible information, whether it’s positive or negative. We hope you find that we’ve accomplished our objective.

If you have any questions or comments on how we can make our site a better experience, please let us know, at Suggestions@BestPlacesInTheWorldToRetire.com.

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Best Places in the World to Retire YouTube channel.

Best Places in the World to Retire Facebook page.

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Best Places In The World To Retire