Lessons About Moving To Mexico

Comparing Life in the US with Life in Mexico After Living in Mexico for Two Years

Elephant – Best Places In The World To Retire – International LivingThey were big, open questions— the “elephant in the room,” the large, unavoidable thing I was a bit afraid to confront honestly and directly.
The background is that I was born and raised in the US, where I spent almost all of my 59 years before, two years ago, moving to Mexico.  The elephant was these series of questions: After these two years, how would I respond upon returning to the US to visit and retrieve our household goods to...

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Lessons Learned From 5 Months as a Nomad-- His takeaways after selling everything at 58 and hitting the road

Chuck Bolotin with 3 dogs at beach in Baja California Sur, Mexico(We thank the wonderful people and our good friends at Nextavenue.org, where this article was originally published December 6, 2016)
As boomers, quite a few of us had the fantasy when we were in high school or college of getting in a VW van with our friends and hitting the road for parts unknown or taking a year off to travel. What adventures we would have!

Some of us even did it, and have stories to tell. Most of us, however, didn’t....

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How Cultural Differences Impact Life for Newcomers in Mexico

Expat woman buying flowers from local Mexican in San Miguel de Allende – Best Places In The World To Retire – International LivingMany people who come to Mexico for the first time arrive with preconceived notions. Unconscious cultural filters dictate newcomers´ perceptions of how things are going to work in their new country.  This is especially true when they have no prior intercultural experience. In many instances, ethnocentrism sets in - The belief in the centrality of one’s own culture. This can lead to judging the host culture by the standards of one’s own.
In the area of...

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Yucatan Mexico Real Estate Investment Tips for Retirees

Merida Yucatan – Best Places In The World To Retire – International LivingAn emerging personal finance trend has seen retirees and people in pre-retirement making investments in foreign real estate, especially in emerging markets. The potential benefits are very enticing; these regions are seeing growth and appreciation rates that exceed those in domestic markets, and there’s built-in potential for generating income by renting the property to vacationers. Best of all, you can live there yourself during the cold-weather months and say goodbye to winter for the...

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Best Places In The World To Retire