How many Americans, Canadians, and other expats live in Boquete, Panama?
Dianne Heidke - The Boquete Handbook
Estimates for the number of Americans and Canadians living in Boquete varies - some say about 1,500 full time in the Boquete, Volcan, David area...many more come on a part-time basis.
Dianne Heidke - The Boquete Handbook
Estimates for the number of Americans and Canadians living in Boquete varies - some say about 1,500 full time in the Boquete, Volcan, David area...many more come on a part-time basis.
Dianne Heidke - The Boquete Handbook
Posted April 11, 2013
Penny Barrett - Fundacion Bid 4 Bouquete
First of all you have to define "expat" as many foreigners in Panama come here from South America (mainly Colombia) and are indistinguishable from the Panamanians to the Gringo eye.
I am asked this question all the time because I run the News.Boquete email distribution system which delivers local news and events to the English speaking population in Boquete. I was even asked the question by the U.S. Warden for Boquete. The answer is that nobody knows....
First of all you have to define "expat" as many foreigners in Panama come here from South America (mainly Colombia) and are indistinguishable from the Panamanians to the Gringo eye.
I am asked this question all the time because I run the News.Boquete email distribution system which delivers local news and events to the English speaking population in Boquete. I was even asked the question by the U.S. Warden for Boquete. The answer is that nobody knows. There are nearly 1500 subscribers to the News.Boquete email list but many people don't subscribe, husband-wife teams often have only one subscription, and a few folks not living (yet) in Boquete also subscribe. If I had to guess, I would say there are 2,500 - 3,000 English speaking expats living in the district of Boquete which includes the greater Boquete area and even the city of Caldera.
I thought I remembered a question on the 2010 census asking in what country was your mother on the day you were born. That statistic would tell us something but so far the Panama government hasn't published the totals.
Posted September 10, 2013
Georgina Chanapi - Lucero Homes Golf & Country Club

I don’t know the exact percentage, but it should be about 50/50. The people here in Boquete usually sell their houses and the expats buy them. The expats move in, start businesses, and...

I don’t know the exact percentage, but it should be about 50/50. The people here in Boquete usually sell their houses and the expats buy them. The expats move in, start businesses, and the expats contract with the local Panamanians in the area, too, so the local Panamanians here in Boquete start to speak English, which is the language they learned from the expats.
You will see more people who speak English here in Boquete than in David (the closet larger city to Boquete) or in Panama City. That is a benefit for the people here because when the local Panamanians here go to Panama City, they get hired immediately because English is effectively the second language of Panama. The locals go to Boquete and they eventually learn English in order to get, and then it turns into an advantage for them when they go to get a job.
(Expats playing tennis in Boquete at Lucero, pictured.)
Posted May 26, 2015
Lissy Lezcano - Lissy Lezcano Attorney & Mediator

The expats...

The expats in Boquete usually go to the Tuesday Morning Meetings. They go to the restaurants and they have organizations, too. Expats in Boquete do a lot of things together.
(Pictured: woman posing by the famous flowers of Boquete.)
Posted June 26, 2015
Marela Camarena

English is spoken a lot by expats in Boquete.
Within Boquete, expats participate in the life of the town and have an expat culture, where there are even enough expats to have a market of their own on Tuesdays. Retired expat ladies make honey, bake bread, do arts and crafts and sell these...

English is spoken a lot by expats in Boquete.
Within Boquete, expats participate in the life of the town and have an expat culture, where there are even enough expats to have a market of their own on Tuesdays. Retired expat ladies make honey, bake bread, do arts and crafts and sell these products in the Tuesday market.
Most expats help the local community and do volunteer work for the community. Expats are involved with the community and not separated from the locals.
(Guests at Alto Boquete Condominios, Boquete, Panama, pictured.)
Posted August 12, 2017
T Rob Brown - Panama Helpline
(Caldera River, Boquete, Panama, pictured.)
(Caldera River, Boquete, Panama, pictured.)
Posted August 14, 2017