Is the electricity reliable in Boquete, Panama? Are there blackouts or brownouts in Boquete, Panama?
Dianne Heidke - The Boquete Handbook
The power in Boquete is pretty reliable but does go out for short periods of time regularly. Especially in the windy season - Jan-April. And the rainy season - April to Nov.
Dianne Heidke - The Boquete Handbook
The power in Boquete is pretty reliable but does go out for short periods of time regularly. Especially in the windy season - Jan-April. And the rainy season - April to Nov.
Dianne Heidke - The Boquete Handbook
Posted April 11, 2013
Bonnie Williams
There are blackouts and brownouts in Boquete, Chiriqui province. Most blackouts are of short duration, but occasionally they last for hours. It is one of the most annoying things about living in Panama.
There are blackouts and brownouts in Boquete, Chiriqui province. Most blackouts are of short duration, but occasionally they last for hours. It is one of the most annoying things about living in Panama.
Posted July 14, 2014
Linda Jensen
Here in Boquete the other night, we were watching TV, when all of a sudden, it went off. This is the third of fourth brown out this week, which could mean they’re working on the lines somewhere down the road.
We have several voltage regulators in our home to protect our appliances, computer and TVs. Typically, they don’t last too long.
I wouldn’t say that the electrical problem is horrible, unless...
Here in Boquete the other night, we were watching TV, when all of a sudden, it went off. This is the third of fourth brown out this week, which could mean they’re working on the lines somewhere down the road.
We have several voltage regulators in our home to protect our appliances, computer and TVs. Typically, they don’t last too long.
I wouldn’t say that the electrical problem is horrible, unless I was, for example, on a deadline on the computer. So, typically it’s not a big deal for me.
This week, we’ve had several problems, but before that, we had months without any problems.
When they were first working on the highway from David to Boquete, we had several interruptions in power, but after they got the highway finished and all the electrical lines moved, it’s been pretty solid.
Posted July 25, 2014
Georgina Chanapi - Lucero Homes Golf & Country Club

The electric companies here in Boquete...

The electric companies here in Boquete are very good. They always respond immediately. They usually take good care of the people who live in gated communities. If, for example, the electricity goes out here in Lucero (a gated expat community in Boquete), we will call the electric company and they come and see us immediately; top priority. So we have a good communication with the company. The electric company is much more responsive to expats.
Panama has a problem in the supply of electricity during summer when there is not enough water to produce electricity. When they don’t have electricity in Panama City, they take electricity from the Chiriquí Province, because we do tend to have water. So, Chiriquí can at times generate electricity for Panama City.
(Pictured is a condominium building at Lucero, Boquete, Panama.)
Posted May 29, 2015
Alberto Socarraz - Panama Vida

For the most part, the electricity is very good. You just have to be able to deal with it. Occasionally, there are outages. Some of it depends on the season. In the dry season, there are probably...

For the most part, the electricity is very good. You just have to be able to deal with it. Occasionally, there are outages. Some of it depends on the season. In the dry season, there are probably none. In a rainy season, on a weekly basis, you may have a flicker once a week when it is going to go out for maybe 10-15 minutes.
Personally, I just deal with it. I went ahead and put surge protectors on all the appliances and all the electronics, only because when the power does surge the last thing you want to do is end up frying that equipment.
We're prepared. We have flashlights in the house. We have candles in the house, too, just in case the electricity goes out for a longer period of time. For the most part it is not anything that really becomes an inconvenience because the power only goes out for a short period of time.
(Home in Boquete, Panama, pictured.)
Posted September 4, 2015
Giselle Leignadier - Hacienda Los Molinos

During the construction of the new road from Boquete to David (the closest city), the towns around that road had problems with electricity. There were some blackouts that lasted from about 2 to 3 hours. Now that the road construction is over, the electricity is good.
In a month, the electricity could go out once or twice and it doesn’t last for over an hour. We have some brownouts during the rainy season but it...

During the construction of the new road from Boquete to David (the closest city), the towns around that road had problems with electricity. There were some blackouts that lasted from about 2 to 3 hours. Now that the road construction is over, the electricity is good.
In a month, the electricity could go out once or twice and it doesn’t last for over an hour. We have some brownouts during the rainy season but it doesn’t happen very often. Brownouts happen less often than blackouts. Electricity in Boquete is cheaper compared to other countries such as the US and Europe.
(Hacienda Los Molinas hotel at night, Chiriqui, Panama, pictured.)
Posted October 23, 2015
Brian Harris

We have a 15 KW generator that keeps us with electricity during these outages....

We have a 15 KW generator that keeps us with electricity during these outages. We have always been able to get through the power problem, but as said you must have surge protection on every appliance and computer power source.
We are selling our perfect home as we must return to the US. We have never lived in a better place than Boquete, finding the best friendships and opportunities for exercise and seeing these beautiful surroundings. Boquete is still the best place to retire and getting better everyday.
(Downtown Boquete, Panama, pictured.)
Posted February 7, 2016
Manzar Lari - Casa de Montaña

Because we run a B & B, we...

Because we run a B & B, we have a generator so if the electricity is off for a little bit longer our generator kicks in. If we lived in a regular home we probably wouldn’t have a generator and we probably wouldn’t have a need for it.
(Christmas lights at Casa de Montana, Boquete, Panama, pictured.)
Posted March 23, 2016
By Edgington

Hope that helps.
(House in the mountains near Boquete, Panama, pictured.)
Posted August 8, 2017