What's the dress code in Boquete, Panama? What clothes do they wear in Boquete, Panama?
Dianne Heidke - The Boquete Handbook
Posted April 11, 2013
Linda Jensen
Posted June 6, 2013
Paul McBride - Inside Panama Real Estate
Posted June 27, 2013
Jim Procter - Panamaguru
Posted August 1, 2013
Frank Stegmeier - Rio Encantado
But, it’s sad to observe that too many Gringos dress horribly.
But, it’s sad to observe that too many Gringos dress horribly.
Posted August 20, 2014
Penny Barrett - Fundacion Bid 4 Bouquete
The dress code in Boquete is pretty casual. We are up in the mountains so in the mornings and in the evenings, it is a little bit chilly so you will not see people wearing shorts as much as you would at the beach. In Boquete you will commonly see people wearing tee shirts and blue jeans.
When you go into a government building, particularly in David, they do not like you to wear shorts, whether you are a man or a woman. You have to wear long pants or blue jeans will be fine....
The dress code in Boquete is pretty casual. We are up in the mountains so in the mornings and in the evenings, it is a little bit chilly so you will not see people wearing shorts as much as you would at the beach. In Boquete you will commonly see people wearing tee shirts and blue jeans.
When you go into a government building, particularly in David, they do not like you to wear shorts, whether you are a man or a woman. You have to wear long pants or blue jeans will be fine. They do not like flip flops, either. That is the only place that has a dress code. Everywhere else you go is pretty casual. If you want to wear fancier clothes, you can do that, too. Anything goes.
As an example, Bid 4 Boquete sponsors a wine tasting every year and it is probably the biggest social event every year in Boquete. We sell 220 tickets in a week. You will actually see people there wearing anything from shorts and tee shirts to tuxedoes and fancy sequined gowns. You can dress however you want.
The temperature in Boquete is temperate. If you go out at night, you might want to wear a jacket or a sweatshirt because it cools down a little bit but other than that, anything goes. There is no summer wardrobe and winter wardrobe.
Posted October 13, 2014
Roger J. Pentecost - Boquete Valley of Flowers Condos

Posted October 22, 2014
Lola Braxton - Services Toby
So if you go to Boquete, it is recommended to wear a sweater or jacket at times, especially at night, although, during the day it will get warm, but not hot like David.
On the other hand, David is usually in the mid to high 80´s and 90´s every day. David only cools down...
So if you go to Boquete, it is recommended to wear a sweater or jacket at times, especially at night, although, during the day it will get warm, but not hot like David.
On the other hand, David is usually in the mid to high 80´s and 90´s every day. David only cools down just a bit when it is in the rainy season. So, as for the dress in code in David, it definitely runs to shorts and lighter clothing.
Posted October 25, 2014
Georgina Chanapi - Lucero Homes Golf & Country Club
Boquete has many micro-climates so it can be cold or it can be fairly hot in different areas of Boquete at the same time. In addition, the weather changes rapidly. The dry...
Boquete has many micro-climates so it can be cold or it can be fairly hot in different areas of Boquete at the same time. In addition, the weather changes rapidly. The dry season is from December - January to May. June to November are the cooler months.
If you live near a canyon, it is very windy, so you have to be careful where you buy property. However, Boquete is still not as cold as Switzerland, where I used to live. The dress code in Switzerland is a seasonal thing. In Switzerland, you have to dress very warmly and have a jacket during the cold months if you don’t want to die. You have to have around four jackets.
People in Boquete like to wear jeans, flats, and a jacket if it’s cold, but pretty much, you could wear what you want. We see many ladies in Boquete who wear shorts pants.
Posted April 8, 2015
Lissy Lezcano - Lissy Lezcano Attorney & Mediator

Posted June 18, 2015